Ancient Remedies Revived

200+ Herbs and Remedies for Every Part of Your Body

Ancient Remedies Revived

200+ Herbs and Remedies for Every Part of Your Body

About Shanon Greef, Adv. Herb. Med.

Shanon Greef is a modern herbalist, a mother, a scuba diver, and a marine ecologist.

She earned her Certification of Advanced Herbalism in South Africa, complemented by a Diploma in Health and Safety.

Her remarkable journey began after a devastating diagnosis of melanoma, and with its size, she was given a mere six months to live.

Following multiple surgeries and experiencing the doctors being proven wrong twice within a few months, she decided to take control of her own destiny.

Embracing alternative healing methods, she explored the power of herbs, natural medicinal practices, and meditation.

She pursued her dreams and did everything she wanted— from fire dancing to scuba diving—and realized the profound truth that one's life is their own, immune to the limitations imposed by others.

This newfound perspective led her to embark on a learning journey, exploring herbalism, foraging, and even marine ecology.

Empowered by her experiences, she adopted a natural approach to healthcare, relying on homemade remedies and a deep understanding of herbs and their healing properties.

Nineteen years later, she now dedicates herself to sharing her wisdom and experiences through writing, aiming to guide others toward a holistic and empowered lifestyle.

With a rich background in indigenous recipes and an innate understanding of the power of nature, Shanon spreads her knowledge, as well as selling her own unique concoctions.

Here's just a small glimpse of what you'll find in

Ancient Remedies Revived

As modern medicine took over, the knowledge of traditional herbal remedies was lost, forgotten, or even dismissed as old wives' tales.

Fortunately, this ancient wisdom is making a comeback, and with "Ancient Remedies Revived," you can learn about the powerful medicinal herbs and potent herbal recipes that have stood the test of time.

Inside, you'll find a complete background on each herb, including its origin, historical use, and what modern research has to say.

With over 140 beautiful full-color pages, it'll make plant identification a breeze.

You’ll also find a collection of tried and tested recipes passed down through generations, as well as some of my own creations!

Each recipe is designed to target a specific ailment, whether it be a cold, flu, stress, headaches, or insomnia.

I’ve carefully selected the herbs and combined them in just the right proportions to create a powerful and effective remedy.

Whether you're a novice, an experienced herbalist, or someone with zero plant knowledge, Ancient Remedies Revived is an ideal resource for everyone seeking to rediscover the lost art of herbal medicine.

On Page 100

The Pesky Weed that Packs a Nutritious Punch

Commonly considered a pesky weed, this prickly plant packs a powerful punch when it comes to promoting overall wellness.

With a long history of use in traditional medicine, it has been shown to support healthy immune function, ease joint pain, and reduce inflammation.

So, next time you see this seemingly unassuming herb, don't underestimate its potential to support your overall health and well-being.

On Page 52

The Plant Your Liver Will Thank You For

For centuries, this plant has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive and skin disorders.

This plant is rich in antioxidants and has been found to promote bile production, which helps to flush toxins out of the body.

Learn how to make a liver health tonic with this common backyard weed in my book!

On Page 88

Unwind with This All-Natural Alcohol Substitute

There's a natural remedy available in the Pacific Island cultures that can provide a relaxing and social buzz without negative consequences.

This herb contains kavalactones, which promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and uplift mood.

Find out how to prepare and dose this amazing social herb in my book!

On Page 16

From Soothing Skin to Settling Stomachs

You are certainly familiar with this skincare powerhouse - but have you ever considered its effects when ingested?

Aloin, a compound with stimulating laxative properties, can be found in this plant.

It's fascinating that the same plant you use to calm sunburns and skin irritation can also help you bid adieu to constipation and welcome sweet relief!

Find out the many other unconventional benefits of this plant inside!

On Page 128

The Root of This Plant Will Have You Sleeping like a Baby

This herbal remedy has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and alleviate insomnia.

It enhances GABA levels in the nervous system, diminishing stress and anxiety.

Take this potent medicine to fall asleep faster and get more restful sleep without the side effects or addictive potential of prescription sleep medications.

On Page 130

Reduce Pain and Inflammation by Adding this Plant to Your Tea

Say goodbye to pains and fevers with a natural remedy that's just as effective as aspirin, but without the gastric damage!

With salicylic acid as its star ingredient, white willow is a potent pain reliever and fever reducer that's available right in your backyard.

Simply brew the dried leaves into a soothing tea, or chew on the tip of a willow branch for quick relief.

The Healing Power of the Kalahari

The Kalahari bushmen have long relied on the potent properties of this herb to combat lower back pain and osteoarthritis.

This remarkable herb is as powerful as prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, making it an invaluable resource for those seeking natural pain relief.

Discover how to create your own Kalahari painkiller inside the book!

On Page 90

This Herb is the Unsung Hero of World War I

During the chaos of World War I, when medical supplies were scarce and soldiers were in dire need of treatment, this plant's oil emerged as a lifesaver.

Its potent antiseptic and healing properties proved to be a game-changer, saving countless lives and aiding in the recovery of wounded soldiers.

On Page 160

The Easy Breathing Elixir

Tackle everything from common colds to more serious respiratory problems.

Thanks to its powerful mucus-loosening properties, this blend can help clear congestion in both the chest and sinuses, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Simply boil thyme and mullein leaves in water and strain the mixture into your favorite cup. Drink 2-3 cups of tea daily to help alleviate symptoms of respiratory conditions.

On Page 22

The Ancient Ayurvedic Vitality Remedy

This adaptogen helps the body cope with stress, leading to a more balanced, harmonious existence.

And that's not all - ancient Indians believed it could give them the strength and vigor of a horse!

Modern science has shown that this powerful herb improves endurance, muscle strength, testosterone levels in men, and even libido.

On Page 122

Ancient Greek's Secret to Happiness

Discover the ancient Greek remedy that's been used for centuries to combat depression and promote overall well-being!

Hippocrates himself recommended this powerful herb for treating "nervous unrest," and modern scientists have confirmed its efficacy in boosting serotonin levels and promoting happiness.

On Page 132

A Medieval Herb that Saved Lives During the Plague

Discover its potent antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties that made it a true hero in desperate times.

I'll show you how to create your very own elixirs using this powerful herb.

Soldiers and Doctors Relied on this Plant to Fight Dysentery

This versatile herbal remedy made from the inner bark of a commonly found tree became a crucial lifeline for soldiers.

I'll show you how to prepare this natural solution, which can prove invaluable in times of crisis.

On Page 54

The Immune-Boosting Wonder Herb!

This miracle plant proved to be a game-changer, found to enhance the body's natural defenses and protect against infection.

Its healing potential extends beyond immunity, with studies suggesting it may even aid in the management of anxiety and chronic fatigue.

Now, you too can harness the power of this ancient remedy and learn more about its remarkable benefits and uses.

Elite Warriors' Endurance Super Blend

This super blend sustained the warriors through long and covert missions when modern medicine was out of reach.

The powerful combination of herbs will not only nourish your body with essential nutrients but also promote overall well-being.

And the best part? You can create your own blend using ingredients easily found or grown in the Americas.

On Page 118

How the Citizens of Leningrad Survived the Siege

Discover the herb with incredible adaptogenic and stress-relieving properties that gave them the energy and endurance to endure the brutal blockade.

Modern science has shown that this powerful plant increases energy levels, making it the ultimate resilience booster.

Using Mongolian Wisdom for Your Pet's Ultimate Protection

Learn about the secret blend of herbs used by Mongolian herders to ensure their animals thrive in even the harshest conditions.

This unique blend is a game-changer in preserving your furry friends' health and well-being. Don't let your pets suffer needlessly - learn the secrets of the Mongolian herders today!

On Page 124

Ancient Egypt's Natural Medicine That Stood the Test of Time

Hidden in your kitchen is a powerful herb that has been used for centuries to combat illness and disease. The same herb that helped the people of ancient Egypt stay healthy during tough times is now available to you.

Packed with potent antimicrobial and antiviral properties, this incredible plant is a must-have in any wellness routine.

On Page 96

What Saved Midwest Families During the Dust Bowl

Did you know that marshmallows were once made from this miracle plant before being replaced with artificial flavors and corn syrup?

From treating skin irritations to respiratory issues caused by the relentless dust storms, this versatile herb provided relief to many families during the tough times of the 1930s.

I'll show you how to harness the power of this incredible plant to create a soothing herbal remedy and experience its healing magic!

These are just the beginning of what you'll uncover in Ancient Remedies Revived - this comprehensive guide is packed with even more invaluable information. Here's a sneak peek of what else you'll discover:

> The Amazing Benefits of Dandelion Root Tea
> How to Use Lavender for Better Sleep
> Natural Remedy for Menopause Symptoms
> Unleash the Powerful Herb for Health and Wellness
> How to Use Chamomile for Stress Relief

> Why You Should Drink Nettle Tea
> The Healing Power of Elderberry
> Natural Remedies for Anxiety and Depression
> How to Use Yarrow for Wound Healing
> The Power of Garlic for Cardiovascular Health

> Why You Should Add Oregano to Your Diet
> Magical Golden Soothing Brew
> The Ultimate Wellness Synergy Boost
> Midnight Calm Tonic
> The Master Cleanse Detox Tea

And so much more!

This Was Just a Glimpse of what you’ll find in

Ancient Remedies Revived

But that's not all you'll receive:

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The Backyard Medicinal Garden

Discover your path to self-sufficiency with this concise 152-page guide -  featuring step-by-step instructions and illustrations.

Learn to design, build, and maintain a thriving garden that provides all the essential crops and herbs for a self-reliant lifestyle.

*These special gifts are available in digital format only.

Herbal SOS

Be prepared for any situation with this essential guide to handling common emergencies using natural remedies and practical advice.

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